
Hi. I'm Nicole!

Wife.  Mama to two busy toddler babes. Photographer.  Trying to seek Jesus each day, through each season.  So glad you're here!

2020 Goals

2020 Goals

2019 was a year that was both incredibly sweet and profoundly difficult. It was a year where the Lord taught me so many things; lessons that still feel exposed and raw. Walking through seasons of deep anxiety and depression and also breathing deeply through seasons of quiet rest we’re both equally impactful. We learn from both the hard and the good and I experienced the depths of both in 2019. As 2019 came to a close and I reflected on the year that had passed and looked ahead to the year to come, I chose a few select things to focus on in 2020. I think it’s been several years since I’ve shared goals here in this space (or written consistently for that matter!) so I’m really glad to be sharing my simple yet meaningful goals here with you this year! So, what’s my vision for 2020?


I want this to be a quiet year of unseen faithfulness, focusing on what the Lord puts in front of me. I want to work, play, and rest well while stewarding my time and resources in a gospel-centered way, being diligent in the work the Lord has called me to today.

My word this year is diligent which means “having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.” I want this year to be marked by having deep care for the things the Lord has called me to, no matter if that’s keeping up with the everyday tasks at home, in my personal Bible study time with the Lord, or doing other ministry or work outside our home.

All of these thoughts are summed up in my goals for 2020:

Be faithful in the often unseen moments of everyday life.

Faithfulness in my everyday, unseen life will grow in me steadfastness to follow the Lord for the rest of my life. Seeing the mundane tasks of our day to day life as Kingdom work will invite the Lord into the smallest moments of my day, taking the most of the opportunities He gives me to share the gospel inside and outside the walls of our home.

Mini goals to help me grow in this goal: wake up early to spend time with the Lord, create habits and rhythms that help me not waste time “doing things” around the house as often, make habits to meet with the Lord in mundane tasks, homeschool thoughtfully (I’ll share more on this later!), make tangible plans to cultivate faith in the kids, plan ways to connect with Tyler intentionally throughout our everyday life, seek out ways to serve others with my talents, move my body everyday, fuel myself and family well

Invest in relationships

My relationship with the Lord and with others is the only things that will last! I want to spend my time pouring into relationships with others in gospel-centered ways that help develop deep connections, accountability, and encouragement.

Mini goals to help me grow in this goal: Be diligent in leading my bible study group throughout 2020, pray over others consistently, regularly have people in our home, have intentional time to connect in marriage, parent intentionally not in a reactionary way

Rest well

Learning how to really rest shows my trust in the Lord and accepts the limits He’s given me as a human being. Resting well will give me the physical, emotional, and spiritual energy I need to love and serve well.

Mini goals to help me grow in this goal: make a list of ways I can truly rest, schedule rest into my days, weeks, and year, read more books, find a hobby that’s just for my creative enjoyment, spend time in family rest, spend less time on my phone

With that in mind, here are the things I’m focusing on in February!

-make a list of habits I can start that will help our household run more smoothly so that I can spend more intentional time with our family and less time doing random things around the house at all times.

-start implementing the habits above!

-connect prayer with everyday tasks by praying over certain sections of my prayer journal as I do certain activities

-have someone in our home each week and cultivate intentional conversations

-have an at home date night and night out with Tyler

-make Valentine’s Day a simple but sweet holiday loving on our family (and others!)

-do some research on a few new hobbies I want to start and pick one to start learning

One hobby I hope to spend more time on this year is this sweet, little blog! Writing has always been a way for me to process through my thoughts and I’ve missed using this space to do that and to share other things about our life. I have a few posts lined up and I’m really excited to utilize this space more to hopefully inspire and encourage you in your everyday life!

What I Read in January

What I Read in January

Remembering what God has Done

Remembering what God has Done